The Importance of Developing a Child’s Focus 

The True Mystic in Karate Classes for Children is in the Focus….Not the Pocus.

Ahhhhh the marvels of technology. Without such advances, we never would have explored the outer galaxy, the deep seas, the cross-world connectivity of online communication. Entertainment, telephone, internet, apps are all now the common ground we all globally share. And while it is a fabulous addition to scholastics and classes of all kinds via real-time and archived lessons, the one thing it should never become rote for. A quick solution to focus a child. We’ve all born witness to it. A child in trauma of unsure coping strategy, so a parent/guardian will give the youngster a handheld electronic device to cease what was more commonly just described as its forefather “the temper tantrum.” There is no magic remedy there—just the promise of more self-induced non-focusing events.

There is a balance to be found on common ground.

Not to add to the disparity of ultimately removing all forms of online social learning, play, or communicating, there are ways to utilize these as rewards for actual hands-on tactile involvement. Enter the FMAC, an all-ages education center where the youngest students learn how to attain or regain inner focus via structured, professionally taught classes. Including top tips like stress-relieving breathing in a relaxed pose or workout mode will become a mantra to foster a natural occurrence. Imagine taking ten seconds to deep breathe in and out before starting a new job, taking a test, trying new food, or learning how to tie your shoes. Even before falling asleep when your child is still wound up tighter than a coiled spring; this anxiety-ridden approach to inner focusing is just one technique to set your child’s inner alignment back on track.

Everyone benefits from focus

If a child is truly focused, he or she/they can reduce the risks of mental and emotional stagnancy, poor health habits, including diet choices and sleep patterns, mediocre scholastic involvement, and peer/social containment. More apt to show lack of respect, no dignity or positive community commitment, those without focus will wander away and find the alternate negative way to make their presence known. FMAC is constantly striving to find new ways to involve entire communities to see the value in what a focused young child, teen or adult can bring into the heart of the region. Always on the lookout for suggestions, FMAC can proudly say they take your voices and thoughts into consideration and reciprocate by guiding your children into the ancient practices of inner alignment.