FMAC Shaped Me Into Who I Am Today 

How has your training made you into the person you are today?
When I was six years old, my mom signed me up for karate at FMAC. I was a very shy kid, and I hid behind my mom the whole time. The first day I stepped out on the mat, I was completely terrified. But every teacher had encouraged me that everything was going to be okay, and that we were going to have fun. Every time FMAC would move I would tell my mom to please let me stay and keep doing it. That’s how much I loved doing karate. Years go by and I realize how much stronger I have become. Because of FMAC, I am not scared of anything, and they help me overcome my shyness. Six years with FMAC has really shaped me into who I am today, and I am very grateful for being a part of it.

Which Black Belt Character helped you the most?
Perseverance is what I developed the most because there was times where I would want to just drop everything and quit, but I kept going because it helped me become a better person. I think it’s very important that kids like me work on developing perseverance because it is what’s going to keep you determined and to achieve the goals you have in life.

FMAC Shaped Me Into Who I Am Today
March 1, 2021

How has your training made you into the person you are today?
When I was six years old, my mom signed me up for karate at FMAC. I was a very shy kid, and I hid behind my mom the whole time. The first day I stepped out on the mat, I was completely terrified. But every teacher had encouraged me that everything was going to be okay, and that we were going to have fun. Every time FMAC would move I would tell my mom to please let me stay and keep doing it. That’s how much I loved doing karate. Years go by and I realize how much stronger I have become. Because of FMAC, I am not scared of anything, and they help me overcome my shyness. Six years with FMAC has really shaped me into who I am today, and I am very grateful for being a part of it.

Which Black Belt Character helped you the most?
Perseverance is what I developed the most because there was times where I would want to just drop everything and quit, but I kept going because it helped me become a better person. I think it’s very important that kids like me work on developing perseverance because it is what’s going to keep you determined and to achieve the goals you have in life.