My Whole Family Has Grown So Much 

My Whole Family Has Grown So Much
August 6, 2020

How has your training made you into the person you are today?
I started taking Kenpo after watching my children during their classes. I enjoyed how the classes were taught by the instructors. I had my chance to try it during FMACs annual parent appreciation cycle. I took classes with my kids and on my own during the adult class and instantly fell in love with learning more. The things we learn on the mat are not just how to defend ourselves, but also how to control our minds and overcome challenges through hard work. I use what I’ve learned everyday in my life at work or when out in public. My whole family has grown so much by taking martial arts classes at FMAC. They are my second family and will always hold a place in my heart. I’ve also seen how many people have come through the doors and changed to become better people. Becoming a Black Belt here truly changes you, I believe, into a well rounded person inside and out. This program has helped me become a life long martial artist. My family is truly blessed to have this school in our lives. I have found friends for life here.

Which Black Belt Character helped you the most?
Out of all of the Black Belt Characters I believe Perseverance was the one that influenced me the most. The world needs more Perseverance. You have to keep working hard to achieve goals. Things you want need to be earned and with perseverance you can achieve anything. With perseverance you can BECOME a Black Belt.